Jon R. Kyllingstad
Leader of this project and a historian specializing in the history of science, knowledge and academic institutions. He has for many years been interested in ideas about race and human differences and has studied the development of disciplines like biology, ethnography, medicine and physical anthropology in Norway. Before joining the Museum for University and Science History as Associate Professor, he worked as Senior Curator at The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology.

Erika Hagelberg
Erika Hagelberg is professor of evolutionary biology at the Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo. Her main research interests include ancient DNA typing, human molecular genetics and molecular evolution. She has worked on developing methods to extract and analyze DNA from archaeological bones. In the 1990s, she was among the first who applied bone DNA typing in forensic identification, including the first use of microsatellite DNA in forensics.

Ageliki Lefkaditou
Ageliki Lefkaditou is Senior Curator at The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. She writes on the history of anthropology and human population genetics research, race, and racism from the late nineteenth century to the present with a special focus on Greece. From April 2014, she has worked with this project at the Institute of Health and Society at the University of Oslo.

Hallvard J. Fossheim
Hallvard Fossheim is Dr.art in philosophy, and Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, University of Bergen. He has served as Director of The National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and The National Committee for Research Ethics on Human Remains, which performs ethical evaluations of research on human remains.