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FOLK – From racial types to DNA sequences

Doing and undoing race at the museum

What: Event
When: May 19, 2018

On International Museum Day #IMD2018 we welcome to a curator's tour and a roundtable discussion in the exhibit "FOLK: from racial types to DNA sequences".

The tour is given by Exhibition Curator Ageliki Lefkaditou. After the tour we invite audience members to take part in a roundtable conversation inside the exhibition.

Museums of all kinds have been central in researching, collecting, and displaying human diversity and therefore in constructing human races. Today, we address this colonial and racist past and we are active in deconstructing the myth of race as biology. From "human zoos" to state-of-the-art facial depictions, in our tour we will explore objects and stories connected to this historical baggage and their contemporary re-appropriations.

The tour is free with admission ticket to the museum. The event will be in English.

Image caption: Satirical etching from "Mr Bullock´s exhibition of Laplanders" at the Egyptian Hall, London, 1822. (Digital copy, National Library of Norway).